Hampton蛋白悬滴结晶板 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate

Hampton蛋白悬滴结晶板 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate
美国Hampton Research公司位于加利福尼亚州,是一家专门从事蛋白质晶体研究的生产商。该公司向全球科研人员提供全面的晶体研究试剂和相关实验耗材,同时提供晶体设计和合成方面的定制服务。Hampton Research公司以其先进的生物大分子结晶技术和广泛实用的产品线,不仅为全世界晶体研究人员的工作带来了便捷,而且也受益于科研人员的回馈不断发展自己,目前已成为晶体研究领域最受信赖的品牌之一。
Hampton research主要产品:
Crystallization Screens 用于筛选和优化蛋白质/多肽/核酸结晶的一系列经验证的高精配方型溶液
Optimize Reagents 结晶级别盐类,聚合物,有机溶液或缓冲液
Crystallization Plates, Hardware & Accessories 结晶板(悬滴法和坐滴法,微量透析,微配液,自由界面扩散,凝胶以及无容器悬浮法)及其他配件
Cryocrystallography 低温晶体学耗材如 Crystalcap system,cryoloops
Goniometer Heads&Supplies 测角器头和配件
Protein Crystallization Standards 结晶级别标准蛋白
Custom Shop Crystallization Reagents 定制试剂盒和结晶溶液内的单一组分
StockOptions Kits 内含盐类,缓冲液和冷冻液的简便型试剂盒
Tools,Seeding&Resin 结晶用探针,结晶笔,seeding法结晶工具
Capillary Mounts & Supplies 毛细管,玻璃纤维, 蜡,黏合剂和密封剂
Hampton蛋白悬滴结晶板 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate
HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci)
HDP Hanging Drop Plate
HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci)
Single Well with Tool
HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci)
Hanging Drop Wells
Applications—Hanging drop crystallization
  Made from optically superior polymer (UVP)
  Allen key novel crystal plug closure system
  Wells are micro-numbered
Description  描述:
The Swissci Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate is a breakthrough for protein crystallization in a 96-well format. For the first time individual wells can be identified and removed without any disturbance to the growing crystals inside the plate.Description
The plate has been developed by Swissci AG together with leading Crystallographers. It is the result of many years of experience in successful robotic high-throughput crystallization.
The Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate offers unique properties that make it ideal for both nanoliter crystallization screening and microliter optimization alike. Made from optically superior polymer (UVP) and with a new design of the wells, the plate allows easy crystal viewing and retrieval. The system is fully covered by design and patent protection.
The Advantages of the Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate
Easy Crystal Retrieval
Raised wide wells make the crystal mounting especially easy. Allen key system allows for smooth removal and subsequent microscopic investigation / X-ray with the novel crystal plug closure all included in the system.
Easy Viewing
The wells are wide conical and have a lens effect for perfect illumination. The micro-numbering ensures you will never loose the location under the microscope.
The optically superior polymer is UV transmissible and can be used to differentiate between salt and protein crystals.
Integral Sealing
Wide partition walls between each well provides a high surface area for very good sealing with the advanced quality sealing tape. The sealing tape is integrated into the kit so there is no need to purchase additional parts prior to starting a procedure.
Wide Range of Volumes
Typical volumes are 50 – 200 µl of reservoir and 10 nanoliter – 5 microliter drop size.
SBS Standard
The complete plate is designed to the 96-well SBS standard for all common holders.

HR3-187 Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci) 10 plate case

Hampton蛋白悬滴结晶板 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate 相关产品:

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Protein Methods
Daniel M. Bollag, Michael D. Rozycki, & Stuart J. Edelstein
Solubility & Stability Screen
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UVP Hanging Drop Plate Seal (Swissci)
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Hanging drop crystallization



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