Hampton GRAS 1 • GRAS 2 Screens

Hampton GRAS 1 • GRAS 2 Screens

stallization screen for proteins, including monoclonal antibodies, where Polyethylene glycol is the primary, and Salt the secondary reagent, sampling pH 4-9
GRAS 1 • GRAS 2 ScreensGRAS 1 • GRAS 2 Screens Identify GRAS based reagents that promote crystallization of biotherapeutics for bioprocess, bioformulation, and continuous flow manufacturing applications

Developed at Hampton Research
Generally Recognized As Safe reagent formulation
Samples pH 4.0 – 9.0 without an added buffer
Primary crystallization reagent:

GRAS Screen 1: PEG 300, 400, MME 550, & 600
GRAS Screen 2: PEG 1,000, MME 2,000, 3,350 & 4,000
Secondary crystallization reagent:

24 unique salts
Compatible with Vapor diffusion, microbatch, free interface diffusion
Reagents soluble between 4°C and 30°C

GRAS Screen™ 1 and GRAS Screen™ 2 were developed by Hampton Research for the crystallization of proteins, including monoclonal antibodies. Each of the chemicals in GRAS Screen 1 and 2 have been used under one or more of the following categories. As (1) a Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) substance, (2) a pharmaceutical excipient, (3) a normal physiological constituent, (4) a metabolic byproduct, and/or (5) a Everything Added to Food in the United States (EAFUS) substance.
GRAS Screen 1 samples four low molecular weight Polyethylene glycols (300, 400, MME 550, and 600) versus twenty-four salts, encompassing pH 4-9. GRAS Screen 1 is supplied in a 96 Deep Well block format and is compatible with robotic and multi-channel pipet liquid handling systems. GRAS Screen 1 is compatible with vapor diffusion, free interface diffusion, and microbatch crystallization methods. For research use only.
GRAS Screen 2 samples four medium molecular weight Polyethylene glycols (1,000, MME 2,000, 3,350, & 4,000) versus twenty-four salts, encompassing pH 4-9. GRAS Screen 2 is supplied in a 96 Deep Well block format and is compatible with robotic and multi-channel pipet liquid handling systems. GRAS Screen 2 is compatible with vapor diffusion, free interface diffusion, and microbatch crystallization methods. For research use only.

HR2-451 GRAS Screen 1 1 ml, Deep Well block format
Price Quantity
HR2-452 GRAS Screen 2 1 ml, Deep Well block format
Price Quantity


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