Sulfo-Cyanine5.5 NHS ester 磺酸基Cy5.5NHS(水溶性)

Sulfo-Cyanine5.5 NHS ester 磺酸基Cy5.5NHS

Sulfo-Cyanine5.5 NHS ester is an amine reactive activated ester of sulfonated far red Cyanine5.5 fluorophore, an analog of Cy5.5®. This is a reagent of choice for the labeling of antibodies, sensitive proteins, and others which require reactions in purely aqueous environment, or without any significant additions of organic co-solvents.
The dye is well suitable for non-invasive in vivo NIR imaging, and for the applications requiring low fluorescent background.
水溶Cyanine 5琥珀酰亚胺酯(succinimidyl ester(SE)),类似于Cy5® NHS ester,不需要有机溶剂即在水相中即可对各种带氨基分子进行标记。因此该产品尤其适用于对那些在有机溶剂中易变性的蛋白和低溶解度蛋白的标记。
Sulfo-Cyanine 5是Cy5®的衍生物,与很多仪器如读板机(plate readers),显微镜和成像设备等相兼容。是最受欢迎的荧光染料之一。
该染料是高度亲水的、水溶的。非磺化的衍生物:Cyanine 5 NHS ester。


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